Samuel Whitbread Academy students' delight over GCSE results

With GCSE exams cancelled in January by the Government, teachers were instead tasked with awarding grades to their students in the form of a Teacher Assessed Grade (TAG).
Schools utilised different data sources to create a portfolio of evidence to ensure each student received the appropriate grade. Samuel Whitbread Academy staff worked tirelessly to ensure their students’ grades were fair and consistent, with TAGs based on more than 25,000 mock exams and assessments.
Since 2018, a new grading system has been in place, with 9-1 replacing the old A*-G. Under the new system a grade 7 equates to an A and 4 reads across to a C. The new grade 9 was designed to reward the very brightest and best students across the country.
Individual successes at Samuel Whitbread Academy, which is part of the Bedfordshire School Trust (BEST), included Jack Barker, Maria Kenworthy and Louis Burgess, who all achieved straight grade 9s across the board.
Annabel Priano, Head of Year 11, said she was incredibly proud of Sarah Murphy, Molly Ellen Purcell and Esme Frankland for showing determination and resilience to achieve fantastic grades.
Pastoral Support Officer Jo Abbott, meanwhile, was delighted to see Rosie Lynn-Mulholland, Mia Brewer-Allen and Daniel Beard gain some great results after overcoming many different challenges this year.
Samuel Whitbread Academy Principal Nick Martin said: “After 18 months of constant change and uncertainty, I couldn’t be any prouder of our students today.
“Despite their exams being cancelled in January and not being able to see their friends and teachers during three national lockdowns, as well missing their prom and final day celebrations, they have demonstrated enormous determination and resilience and achieved a great set of results.
“I wish them luck on the next step of their journey, whether with us in our Sixth Form or at college or in an apprenticeship.”
BEST Chief Executive Officer Dr Alan Lee said: “At the Bedfordshire Schools Trust, we are incredibly proud of the achievements of all our students.
“Against the backdrop of a global pandemic, the students have shown extraordinary focus, determination and resilience to gain such excellent results.
“Huge congratulations to the students and many thanks to the background staff: the staff and parents/carers!”
Pictures: Year 11 students at Samuel Whitbread Academy collect their GCSE results. From the top – Ashleigh Fenton, Maria Kenworthy, Georgie Kelly, Louis Burgess; Wiktoria McDonald, Lianna Brown, Gracie Hutton, Grace Webb; Rosie Lynn-Mullholland with Pastoral Support Officer Jo Abbott; Harriet Yardley, Emma Giles, Charlotte Payne, Caitlin Wright.