BEST celebrates The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Special events and activities were held before the half-term break, over the long bank holiday weekend itself and into this week when pupils returned to school.
From street parties (in the playground!) and royal-themed craft activities to commemorative unveilings and even scarecrow competitions – lots of fun was had and memories made by all.
Scroll down for a round-up from our schools and nurseries:

Campton Academy – Pupils, staff and guests enjoyed a playground street party. The pupils made crowns and flags, stood respectfully during the National Anthem and sang ‘Happy Royal Jubilee to the school’s nominated Queen, Evelyn.

Etonbury Academy – Students celebrated with a Jubilee Party at After School Club and Year 10 food students prepared a scrummy afternoon tea. Meanwhile, the younger pupils in Etonbury Juniors took part in a Jubilee Treasure Trail – finding staff hidden somewhere around the school grounds and obtaining words to make up a message about The Queen.

Gothic Mede Academy – Pupils and staff enjoyed a playground party, maypole dancing and music provided by visiting Samuel Whitbread Academy students on the last day before the half-term break. The occasion ended with Principal Tom Clarke handing out medals to the winners of the school’s royal portrait competition.
The school also won the Arlesey Jubilee Scarecrow Competition with its entry entitled Maypole Celebration.

Gravenhurst Academy – Pupils had multiple celebrations before breaking up for half-term. First up was a tea party on the school field, then a mosaic to commemorate the occasion designed by pupils was unveiled at the front of the building.
Langford Village Academy – Like sister school Gravenhurst, a mosaic to commemorate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee was unveiled at the entrance to the school building. Funded by the PTFA, it was designed by Year 1 pupil Ivy, with all pupils in the school contributing to its creation.

Pix Brook Academy – Pupils held their celebrations on the first day back after half-term. A Big Jubilee Lunch brought the whole school together, before an oak tree and bench was unveiled in the school’s grounds.
Samuel Whitbread Academy – The school’s community choir performed Stand By Me and Hallelujah at Sunday’s special Jubilee service at All Saints Church in Clifton.

St Christophers Academy – Children who attend the After School Club painted Union Jack flags to mark the occasion.

BEST Nurseries – Children at BEST Nursery (Langford) spent time learning about the Union Jack and talking about colours as they mocked up the flag in red, white and blue rice. Those colours also were the mainstay of a collage now on display in the nursery’s Caterpillar room.
Meanwhile, at BEST Nursery (Arlesey) children and staff took part in plenty of fun activities, including making crowns, decorating bunting and a special Royal Picnic.